How do you get people to be more innovative every day? You need to build it into your organization s DNA. Otherwise, your team will view innovation as a side project and your efforts will fail. Innovation experts Paddy Miller and Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg say the way most leaders lead innovation is to organize one-off brainstorm meetings, idea jams, and off-sites. Instead, what you need to do is change the way people work. Innovation as Usual has six recommendations for you on how to support and manage daily work so that everyone understands the overarching goal of being more innovative, all of the time. They are: Focus: direct the search for innovation and help people focus on what matters Connect: help people connect outside the organization for new insight Tweak: make people test, challenge and improve their ideas continuously Select: help people evaluate and discard ideas continually Stealthstorm: help people navigate the politics of innovation inside the organization Persist: motivate innovators to keep going The authors share examples from a wide range of companies to show how the process works, including several new stories from Pfizer, Index Ventures, Lonza, Go Travel, Prehype, DSM and others. So cancel that off-site. Instead read Innovation as Usual to put innovation at the core of your company.