When the first edition of Herbert Gardner's The Advertising Agency Business was published, it was heralded as the most comprehensive management guide to this dynamic, fast-changing business. The second edition established the book as the standard work on the subject. This newly revised edition by Eugene Hameroff continues that tradition. In twenty-eight short, easy-to-read chapters, you will find out how to:
- Start an agency
- Manage your agency profitably with key financial insights, including expert guidance on determining income and profit; allocating gross income, developing solid billing procedures; identifying key operating figures; developing timely, reliable financial reports for your agency and for your clients
- Evaluate an agency
- Structure ownership
- Manage, develop, and evaluate personnel
- Develop mutually beneficial relationships with clients and suppliers
- Generate new business through aggressive lead generation knowledgeable assessment of client personnel blockbuster presentations
Drawing on more than a half century of experience in agency administration, finance, and general management, this all-new edition is the indispensable guide for every advertising professional and for anyone who wants to know more about successful advertising business practice.